In addition to the course curriculum of the University, the College provides a host of active academic opportunities to its students to foster a culture of participative learning and cultivate a spirit of intellectual inquiry. Academic Opportunities for students at SRCC include:
Value Added/Add-On Courses
Keeping in mind the need to augment and enhance the existing skill sets in students, the College commenced Value-Added courses with the aim to provide greater value to the existing curriculum and aligning it to the industry. The College collaborates with reputed Industry partners to provide Value-Added/Add-On courses to its students. Selection to the Value-Added/Add-on courses is generally based on certain parameters such as academic merit and attendance. Value Added/Add-On Courses are notified through the Announcements page of the website Students are encouraged to actively and frequently visit the Announcements page for timely information.
Participation in Seminars, Conferences and Workshops
Every year, Shri Ram College of Commerce organizes a large number of lectures, speaker sessions, symposiums, conferences, workshops, programmes, and other events to promote learning by engagement, interaction and experience through industry-academia and academia-academia interface.
The College actively encourages students to contribute to such events, both as organisers and participants. The events are notified through the Announcements page of the website Students are encouraged to actively and frequently visit the Announcements page for timely information.
Awards for Academic Excellence
To promote academic excellence amongst students, Shri Ram College of Commerce has constituted the following Awards and Medals in recognition of academic achievements:
1. Punj Lloyd Gold Medal is awarded to the topper of Global Business Operations (GBO) Programme across all years taken together.
2. Prem Pandhi Gold Medal is awarded to best post graduate student to be judged on the basis of overall performance of student in academics, attendance, conduct, participation and credits/awards in extra-curricular activities and sports activities in the first two semesters of postgraduate diploma in Global Business Operations. The weightage is as follows:
a) Academics 50%
a) Attendance 20%
a) Conduct and Participation in extra-curricular activities 20%
a) Sports 10%
3. Kamla Mehrotra Gold Medals awarded to B.Com (Hons.) overall topper.
4. Tejpal Aggarwal Gold Medals awarded to B.Com (Hons.) first year topper
5. Arun Chachra Memorial Gold Medals awarded to a student of B.A (Hons.) Economics overall topper.
6. Dr. Charat Ram Gold Medal awarded to B.A (Hons.) Economics second year topper.
7. Shri G. L. Bansal Gold Medal awarded to B.A (Hons.) Economics first year topper.
8. M. C. Kuchhal Gold Medal is awarded to a B.Com (Hons.) third year student who secures highest marks in aggregate in Business Laws and Corporate Laws of B.Com (Hons.) first year and second year respectively.
9. Principal Jai Narayan Vaish Memorial Medals are awarded to those students who secure first position in B.Com (Hons.) and M.Com in the College at the graduate and post graduate examination respectively and have consistently obtained first division marks in all examinations.
10. Kumari Archna Agrawal Memorial Medal and Cash Prize are awarded to a student of B.Com (Hons.) who secures the highest percentage of marks in all the years taken together and has cleared these examinations in the first attempt.
11. R. L Gupta Medal awarded to a student of B.Com (Hons.) III year who secures highest marks in aggregate in Financial Accounting and Corporate Accounting and has consistently obtained first division marks in B.Com (Hons.) I and II year examinations.
12. Suniti Goyal Medal is awarded to a final year topper of B.A (Hons.) Economics.
13. Hora Medal is awarded to a student of final year of B.Com (Hons.) or B.A (Hons.) Economics or M.Com or M.A Economics for outstanding participation and organization of extra-curricular activities in the College during all the years. The criteria/weightage for award of medal is as under:
Organizing ability 60%
Leadership Quality 20%
Active participation in various extra-curricular activities 20%
14, Dhani Ram Medal is awarded to the best debaters of the year: one in Hindi and one in English. The medals will be awarded to any student, who has to his/her credit maximum active participation in debating during the year, provided that no student shall be awarded medals more than once. Best debater will be decided on the basis of the following criteria:
Prize | Weightage in College Function Weightage | Weightage in Inter-College Function |
Ist Prize | 10% | 40% |
2nd Prize | 5% | 20% |
3rd Prize | 20% | 10% |
Consolation Prize or Sharing a Trophy | 2% | 5% |
Participation | 1% | 5% |
15. Principal Madan Mohan Medal is awarded to a student who has to his/her credit maximum active participation in extra-curricular activities during the year. The participation in extra-curricular events may include debates, public-speaking, essay writing, seminar and symposia presentation, conference papers, music, dancing, drawing, painting, sculpture and other fine arts, exhibition of photography, painting etc., plays, mono-acting performance, computer games, quiz competition, co-ordination, with corporates for campus recruitment, organization of campus recruitment process, international programmes, case study competition, simulation exercise, etc.
16. Social Service Medal is awarded to the best social worker of the College for the year.
17. Professor V.K. Bhalla Gold Medal is awarded to the topper of the Financial Management Paper.
1. There are three prizes in the I, II and III year classes of B.Com (Hons.) and three prizes in the I, II and III year classes of B.A (Hons.) Economics. Likewise, there are two prizes in Year I and Year II of M.Com, M.A Economics and P.G. Diploma in Global Business Operations.
2. Skand Gupt Memorial Cash Prize is given to a student of B.A. (H) Eco. II year who scores highest marks in the Compulsory Language (English) Credit Course paper in the preceding year.
3. Manohar Lal Memorial Cash Prize is awarded to a student of B.A. (H) Eco. II and III year or B.Com (H) III year who has scored the highest marks in Hindi in the preceding year in the credit course paper.
4. Master Akshat Ramesh Gupta Memorial Cash Prize. The scholarship is given to a male student who scores highest aggregate marks during three years of B.Com (Hons.).