The past few years has witnessed the phenomena of “internet shopping” grow in leaps and bounds. The term “online shopping” has become a buzzword and an ever growing trend among consumers even in a developing country like India. In fact, the market potential for e-commerce has a huge reservoir as explored through a sneak-peek into the exponential expansion of key players existing in the e-commerce industry. Moreover, online shopping has prodigiously influenced the lives of the modern day consumers, who have been observed to have a penchant towards it. The present research endeavour is aimed to probe into the perceptions of consumers towards e-shopping in the context of “Technology Acceptance Model” (TAM). For this purpose, a survey among 363 respondents in the metropolitan setting of Kolkata has been conducted and their responses were recorded. “Structural Equation Modeling” (SEM) has been used to examine and analyze the model fits and hypothesis testing. The findings reveal positive perception among the surveyed consumers towards online shopping.
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Samuel S Mitra, Shivaji Banerjee, Peter Arockiam. A., Joseph K.
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