The purpose of this study is to understand the nature and categories of (un)ethical behaviours that are displayed by educated youth in India. The rationale for the study is based on the fact that there is an increase in corporate crimes in the current area of globalisation. Since research studies have shown that a large number of global organisations hire managerial resource from business schools this study has examined the unethical and transgressive practices of, post-graduate students pursuing MBA- the resource pool for business organisations. Data was collected from 65 respondents doing master’s in business administration from one of the leading institutions of the country. The age of the participants was between 21-27 years, most of them were freshers but a few had work experience. Based on narratives of the (un)ethical conducts of their peer group described, content analysis was conducted to understand the transgressive behaviours of educated business school youth. The results showed that most of the stated conducts by the participants were unethical and very few were ethical. Three identified categories of major unethical conducts were: academic misconducts, rule breaking and lying. Under these categories various unethical themes were also identified. In all 54 kinds of unethical behaviours and themes were identified under 9 domains like classroom, public life and inter-personal relations. During the debriefing interviews it was found that the reported unethical conducts were linked to imitating behaviour of role models, goal-orientation due to competitiveness and learned cultural behaviours.
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Mala Sinha and Anisha
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Research Article

Research Article